education technology & media

I am the Senior Director of Content at SPARXiQ. I’m an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and instructional designer with 19 years of video production experience. My passion for innovating learning led me to pursue a Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction with a concentration in instructional technology. I taught learners in person and online at the University of South Florida for seven years. Before that, I trained TV, web, and print journalists in some of America’s largest media markets. I apply learning theories and research-based strategies to translate complex topics into conversational learning experiences that engage and inform. I have a master’s in digital journalism and design. I have a bachelor’s in mass communications.


Click here to see the training I created with eLearning authoring tools.

course design

Click here to see an example of my course design in the Canvas learning management system.

immersive storytelling

Click here to explore the virtual reality content I produced.

graphic design


UX/UI Research

Click here to see how I use multimedia and gamification to improve learning in eBooks.

learner testimonials

“Ever since I started school with this disability most of my teachers made me feel bad or less than everyone else and never gave me the power or confidence Mrs. Abrahamsen gave me. I was this close to dropping out of school this semester. After taking this class with this professor she gave me so much hope to finish school. She truly changed my life.”

“This women is by far the greatest teacher I have ever met and learned from. If I ever need help she was there and responded faster than anyone ever before.”

“She is the epitome of what an instructor should be. I could not have asked for more in a professor. She has truly shaped me into who I am today. Without her, I would be lost.”

“Her teaching style is so modern and her knowledge of the industry is incredible.”

“Under her tutelage, I’ve won scholarships that she’s recommended I apply for, networked and connected with amazing people who she’s introduced me to, won awards for work we did in her class, and gotten internships and excelled in them because of what she’s taught me.”

“I’ve never had a professor open doors for me like Jeanette has. I feel so much more equipped and knowledgeable about my field.”

“Abrahamsen is the most compassionate, clear, and concise teacher I’ve had my entire university experience.”

“Jeanette is the best professor I have ever had. She motivates us so much and constantly pushes us to be the best we can be. She is excellent at explaining the material being taught and makes learning so much fun.”

“Phenomenal professor. Her dedication to equipping students for their industry is unparalleled. Her course curriculum is relevant and engaging and I feel well equipped upon graduation because of her.”

“She made sure to focus on student well-being and safety during this time. I appreciate how she adjusted the course for students to be able to handle the switch and wanted to provide everyone help where needed.”

instructor rating

At the end of each course, learners submit anonymous evaluations of my instruction and course development to the University of South Florida. I consistently rank highest in my department with an average 4.9/5 score.

These two videos say more than I ever could about why I devote my life to teaching skills that enable people to succeed in their careers. My students created these videos at the end of our course. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to make an impact on their lives.

performance reviews

“Our students gain valuable experience and are getting good jobs all over the nation as a result of Ms. Abrahamsen’s stunning work ethic and innovation in instruction.”

“Ms. Abrahamsen has brought an energy and innovations to her courses not seen in this department in years. Her enthusiasm for undergraduate education is boundless and infectious.”

“She tirelessly put in extra effort and hours to give all her students hands-on and one-on-one instruction. In the process, she also taught her faculty colleagues new skills and processes.”

“Jeanette Abrahamsen is an outstanding instructor. Her student evaluations, with an average instructor rating across courses near 5.0, provide considerable evidence of her success in the classroom.”

“Her innovative work in adapting this class during the pandemic to continue training student journalists outside the studio was impressive in both scope and impact.”

“Ms. Abrahamsen’s innovative use of new technologies and multimedia tools – combined with immersive, hands-on training in the studio and in the field – prepares students for successful entry into the world of journalism.”

contact me

Illustration by Freepik Storyset